Castration is the surgical removal of testicles in order to inhibit undesirable behaviors. It makes a pet more trainable and eliminates marking behavior. All male dogs not being used for breeding should be neutered for their health.
The neutering procedure eliminates sexual frustration, and makes
pets healthier, happier, and calmer. Other advantages to neutering pets include:
preventing roaming, (males can smell a female in heat (estrus) for up to 3 miles away),
deterring them from fighting ( Neutered males still defend themselves, but they are less likely to aggressively start a fight),
preventing them from marking (lifting their leg; hiking and urinating).
Neutering does not inhibit a pet’s desire to guard your property, or protect the family. Neutering does not change a pet’s underlying personality or attitude. It should not make a pet lazy or fat, but restricted calorie diets are often indicated after the surgery. If you intend to breed your dog, it is advisable to do so in the first 5 –7 years of life (his prime). In the senior years (7-12) prostate and testicular cancers are commonly seen in male dogs requiring castration. Before breeding your pet, please research the extent of pet overpopulation in the U.S.
Every hour more than 2,000 dogs and 3,550 cats are born in the U.S., adding up to annual birthrates of more than 17 million dogs and 30 million cats. More than 15 million healthy dogs and cats will be killed this year because of pet overpopulation. Approximately 100,000 unwanted pets will be killed in the metro-Atlanta area this year. 9,000 in Cobb, 14,000 in Fulton, 11,000 in DeKalb, etc. Pet lovers should breed pets should be done conservatively and responsibly.