Spaying and neutering are an important part of responsible pet ownership. Having your cat or dog spayed or neutered benefits you, your pet, and your community. Spayed or neutered pets live healthier, happier lives, they are more affectionate, and have fewer behavior and temperament problems than animals that aren’t sterilized. Our research shows that the neutered male averages a lifespan three times longer than intact males. If your pet is spayed or neutered, it will not feel the need to wander from home in search of a mate and is less likely to bite and get into fights with other animals. By choosing to spay or neuter, you are also helping to control the pet population, easing the burden on already overcrowded shelters and reducing the amount of strays roaming the streets. Spaying prevents uterine and ovarian infections and cancer, and prevents mammary cancer if performed prior to the first heat (estrus). Neutering prevents testicular and prostate infections and cancer, and prevents roaming, hiking, fighting, aggression toward children and other undesirable s tud-dog behaviors. Neutered males remain protective and will fight when challenged. However, they typically stay home rather than roaming to breed a female in heat. Neutering protects dogs from perianal tumors, hormonal imbalance, hair loss, and virtually eliminates inappropriate (marking) urination.
Unless a pet owner is a licensed dog or cat breeder, spaying or neutering is the responsible thing to do considering both the personal pet’s health and pet overpopulation. Professional breeders require knowledge, proper facilities, and an emergency savings account in case of complications. Breeding pets can be difficult and complicated. The Georgia Department of Agriculture requires a license for dog breeders and periodic inspections of the home and facility are performed by an Ag Inspector.